Friday, May 28, 2010



CHRIST INDICATES a three-fold means by which the new birth is produced.

1. By believing the Word of God (John 3:5). The “water” here is the well-known symbol for the Word of God (see Ephesians 5:26; John 15:3; Psalm 119:9). It has no reference to baptism. Other Scriptures make abundantly clear that the new birth comes through the Word of God (see 1 Peter 1:23-25; James 1:18). Just as water when applied cleanses from our eyes the dirt that would otherwise obscure our vision, so the Word of God, when read and believed, washes from the mind of the sinner his wrong ideas of God and His salvation. The entrance of God’s word brings light on man’s lost condition (Romans 3:10-19); God’s love as seen in His provision for man’s salvation (John 3:16); and the way by which a sinner may be saved (Romans 10:1-17).

2. By the indwelling of the Spirit of God (John 3:5). The Holy Spirit, the third Person in the Trinity, was sent by Christ, on His ascension, to use the Word of God to convince men of their sin; to lead them to put their trust in Christ; to indwell each person in believing; to communicate to the believer a Divine nature, or capacity for spiritual things; and to guide each born-again person into all truth (see John 16:7-15; Ephesians 1:13; 4:30; 2 Peter 1:3, 4; Galatians 5:22-26).

As the Word of God is read or heard, the Holy Spirit applies the truth to the heart in convicting force, showing the sinner his lost, guilty, helpless and hopeless condition. He then reveals through faith in Christ and His finished work. The moment the sinner trusts in Christ He seals him, by His indwelling presence, as Christ’s purchased possession. This is not a question of feeling, but of fact. We do not feel the new birth.

3. By faith in the Substitutionary Sacrifice of Christ (see John 3:14-16). In these words Christ made crystal clear how this new life can come to a sinner. In answer to Nicodemus’ question “How can these things be?” Christ used an incident recorded in the Old Testament to illustrate how the new birth could be experienced (now read Numbers 21:4-9). Seven words seem to sum up the incident. Let us give it our closest and most careful attention, for it is Christ’s own illustration of how the sinner can be born again.

a. Sin (Numbers 21:5). Just as Israel sinned, so all humanity has sinned against God in thought, word and deed (Romans 3:23).

b. Judgment (v. 6). As their sin brought God’s merited judgment upon them, so God has revealed His wrath against all sin (see Romans 1:18; Job 36:18; Romans 6:23).

c. Repentance (v. 7). Israel realized, confessed, and sought pardon for their sin. This is repentance, which consists of a change of mind, resulting in a change of attitude, which is expressed by a change of action. God demands the repentance of the sinner (see Luke 13:3; Acts 17:31; 20:21; Mark 1:15).

d. Revelation (v. 8). “And the Lord said”; as God revealed t Moses the way of salvation for these snake-bitten Israelites, so God has revealed in the Bible. His way of salvation for us (2 Timothy 3:15-17; Romans 10:8-9).

e. Provision (vs. 8, 9). A serpent of brass was made and lifted up on a pole in full view of the camp of Israel. Now can compare John 3:14. Just as Moses lifted up on a cross to provide salvation for sin-bitten humanity. On the cross He bore our sins, took our place, endured all the judgment due to our sins, and by His death, satisfied all God’s demands against the sinner. God has indicated His acceptance of the substitutionary sacrifice of His Son by raising Him from the dead (see Isaiah 53:5, 6; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 5:7-8).

f. Condition (v. 8) “when he looked”. The fact that the brazen serpent was lifted up did not, of itself, save them. Each bitten Israelite must look to live! The fact that Christ has died for our sins and accomplished all the work needed for our salvation, will not save any sinner unless he personally believes on Christ, trusts Him as his own Savior, and on Him as the Lord of his life. This is what our Savior meant when he said: “that whosoever believeth in him… should have everlasting life” John 3:16. Just as the bitten Israelites were not asked to pray, resolved, pay or do good works to merit salvation, so sinners are urged to own their need and trust wholly in the work of Christ, and receive Him by faith as their own personal Savior (see John 1:12; Acts 13:38-39; Ephesians 2:8-9).

g. Result (v. 9) “he lived”. The moment a bitten Israelite (who was as good as dead) looked, he received new life. He was, as it were, born again! So the moment a guilty, lost sinner believes the gospel that Christ died for his sins, and definitely accepts Him as his own Savior, he receives spiritual or eternal life, is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, becomes a partaker of a Divine nature, and is thus born from above, or regenerated. This is the new birth, which Christ declared was absolutely essential to seeing and entering the Kingdom of God.


The answer to this can be obtained by consulting your watch! The new birth takes place the moment a guilty sinner looks to Christ and trusts Him as his Lord and Savior. Why not, just where you are, and as you are, cease from your own efforts to save yourself, and trust in the Person and rest in the work of the Son of God, who did it all for you (see 2 Corinthians 6:1, 2; Hebrews 4:7).

Come as a sinner, and trust now in Christ, Who bore thy sins and shame; Then, by the Spirit of God through the Word, Thou shalt be born again!

What Christians Believe
Chapter 7: The New Birth part 2
Copyright, 1949, 1951, by Emmaus Bible School
Chicago, Illinois